MT Rite Granules plays treatment role in – Thyroid Disease
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MT RITE is an authentic natural product that targets body’s metabolism and endocrine related disorders. It triggers Natural Metabolism and corrects metabolism of body that imbalanced causes Thyroid Gland Issues. Apart from this, this product helps in broad range of bodily functions as well as cells & organs. Mood, Metabolism, Growth, Sexual Health are few examples.
It helps in Neuro Muscular Disorders, Vata Vyadhi, Dyspepsia, Pain, Flatulance, Pack Pain,
Stomach Pain, Gastritis, Menstrual Cramps & Pain. It is useful in P.M.S. (Post Menstrual Symptoms) .
This product is made under strict quality control manufacturing process and in Highly Exported cum USA FDA Competent Manufacturing Environment with GMP Certification for your best Health Experience!
Nigellia sativum (Seed)…………………………1.oo gm
It has antioxidant effects and reduced the oxidative stress and damage of thyroid follicles caused by propylthiouracil (PTU).
Trigonela foenum (Seed)…………………………1.oo gm
Fenugreek seeds showed the ability to reduce the thyroid hormone levels at the periphery and to modify the T4/T3 ratio.
Alium cepa (Seed)…………………………1.oo gm
Onions contain two different goitrogens: quercetin and propyl disulfide. Quercetin reduces the activity of thyroperoxidase as well as the activity of a second enzyme — hepatic deiodinase — a liver enzyme required to activate the thyroid hormone
Carum copticum (Seed)…………………………0.5o gm
Its seeds powder provides significant improvements in their TSH levels and balancing thyroid disorder.
Bauhinia variegata (Bark)…………………………0.5o gm
Bauhinia variegate plays a very significant effect in lowering serum TSH levels raised due to hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism. It has cleansing property and clears arbuda and any glandular inflammation.
Glycyrrhiza glabra (Root)…………………………0.5o gm
Glycyrrhiza glabra, better known as licorice, is an all-around great herb. While not specifically for thyroid health, it is indicated for improving cortisol levels. Often, when the thyroid is stressed it can impact other endocrine systems like the adrenal glands, which produce cortisol.
Commiphora mukul (Purified)…………………………0.5o gm
It reduces the effects of thyroid suppressive drugs indicating a thyroid hormone enhancing effect and possible utility for hypothyroidism. It also promotes T3 synthesis and releases it with an Inhibitory effects on lipid peroxidation.
- It helps in Neuro Muscular Disorders
- It Strengthens immunity level of body
- It corrects Hyperthyroidism & Hypothyroidism
- It helps in all Granthi Roga of Endocrinal system
- It boots immunity level of body
- It helps in broad range of bodily functions as well as cells & organs
- It helps in Mood, Metabolism, Growth, Sexual Health
- It helps in Neuro Muscular Disorders
- It is very effective in all types of Vata Vyadhi like Dyspepsia, Pain, Flatulance, Pack Pain, Stomach Pain, Gastritis, Menstrual Cramps & Pain.
- It is useful in P.M.S. (Post Menstrual Symptoms)
- No artificial Colour & Flavour Added
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